25 June 2009

An Open Letter to the CN's from a friend


Let me start by saying I am a Concerned Nazarene Pastor. I have been watching the conversation between the Concerned Nazarenes and “Why the Concerned Nazarene’s May Be Missing the Point” for the past several months. In that time I have also ventured over to The No Goofy Zone, Reformed Nazarene a few other sites trying to figure out what we “the Concerned Nazarenes” are hoping to accomplish. I know “Concerned Nazarenes” are against a lot of people and a lot of things and that originally there was a petition, to have the Generals make a statement about the emerging church.
I would love to see them address this, and while they are at it I would love to see a statement from them about a theology of worship for the Church of the Nazarene. As I think about it, there are a lot of things I am really concerned about. I am concerned about the church growth movement’s influence on the church. I am concerned that individualism, consumerism, and nationalism may have shaped our worship practices more than Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. I am concerned about the divide between the adherents to the American Holiness movements understanding of Sanctification and those who follow John Wesleyan’s understanding. I am concerned that as a denomination we will educate, and ordain women as elders, but all too often won’t hire them. I am concerned about the Nazarene Pastors who have no retirement and others with no health insurance. Needless to say I am a concerned about a lot, but now I hesitate to use the moniker.
Recently, with all the talk about “the DVD” campaign I can only assume (and I know what happens when I assume), but I can only assume that the agenda of the Concerned Nazarenes is to split churches and have pastors, educators, and administrators removed. Is this correct? I don’t get the feeling that this group really wants to dialog with those who aren’t already in agreement with them.

I hear a lot about how they are praying for those who are “Blinded, Confused, Lacking Discernment, etc.” Well as one of “those people” I have been praying too. My prayer: “God Help Us.” Now let me say I appreciate those people who practice the Matthew 18 principle of Church Discipline. I appreciate those people who love me enough, who care enough about me to call me on my garbage. I appreciate those who literally believe the words of Galatians 6:1 “ Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.”

I am concerned that none of this has happened in my case. Now let me explain, I am a Nazarene Pastor, I was ordained an elder by Dr. Diehl. I pastor a small church of 150 or so in Alaska. I am a graduate of Northwest Nazarene University where I fell in love with Jesus and came to Christ under the preaching of Rev. Gene Schandorff and his series on James. I later graduated from NNU, married, and worked in the church as an associate until I went to Nazarene Theological Seminary and took classes with Dr. Boone, Dr. Bratcher, Dr. Lohdal, Dr. Weigelt, Dr. Freeborn, Dr. Noble, Dr. Bassett, and many, many others who helped me fall in love with Christ’s Church.
After graduating I worked in the church for several more years as an associate and began my D. Min. at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary working closely with Dr. Webber, (a friend who has already joined the communion of the saints). Specifically, I chose to work with Dr. Webber to address the apathy in Worship in the Church of the Nazarene (here I am thinking about more than simple music preferences). Now, as a Sr. Pastor, and after working with several pastors from my current district I am writing my dissertation which addresses some ways to deal with this apathy. Needless to say, I care deeply about the church and how and whom she worships, With that concern, I signed Dr. Webbers, “A Call to an Ancient Future Evangelicalism.”

Since signing that document, I was lumped in with all things emergent, church growth, Catholic, Spiritual Formations, etc. (AKA Bad, very bad). Never once has anyone asked me what I believe, and yes I believe Jesus is the only way. Never once has someone contacted me with their concerns with an attempt to restore me. Instead, I and my church were listed on several internet sites (here is one example). Now in complete fairness I don’t know who wrote the original article or who posted it but it has been reproduced in many places and it has been a stumbling block to a few in my church who googled our church’s website and came across the article. I even received an unsigned e-mail encouraging me to resign before being judged a heretic.

So again I ask what is the Goal of the Concerned Nazarenes? I don’t believe its restoration of people like me. I don’t think you really even care about me, at least not enough to actually talk to me. So what do you hope to accomplish? Do you wish to divide our denomination, to attack the reputations of women and men who have given their lives for Christ and His Church, to confuse people? Is your goal to mass produce a DVD, and have 5 minutes of fame at General Assembly? I really wish I were coming to GA just so I could meet you and to hear your heart. Someone once said, “the Church doesn’t belong to its pastor, The Church doesn’t belong to its people, but it belongs to God who purchased it with the blood of Jesus Christ therefore we should look to Him for all that we are to do.” I will be looking to him, I pray you would do the same and if you would ever like to speak to me and not just about me my e-mail is bthomasak at gmail dot com.

If I didn’t believe that Jesus was in charge, I would really be concerned.

God Help Us,

Rev. Brian R. Thomas

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. I am sorry you are having difficulty due to the CNs. I experienced a very nasty church fight a number of years ago, and it is indeed like a firing squad that stands in a circle. I think that if we have Christians fighting Christians then all Satan has to do is sit back and watch. They've ended up making themselves and the rest of the church look very foolish indeed.
